Marta Läzaro Echavarren
23 years old, Marta, from Pamplona, Navarre in Spain talks about her personal experience and involvement with MEH and how she has grown and developed her skills.

I can define me as a person interested in communication and human and social relations and have always been attracted to affairs related to Europe and the links between people, countries and communities.
When I finished my law degree at the University, I was awarded a scholarship to do an internship abroad. I wanted to challenge myself, do something that would give me the opportunity to improve my work skills and my English, acquire some experience but also to grow from a personal point of view. I have always wanted to live abroad and experience new cultures, environments and meet new people. I really love exchanging ideas, opinions and habits, because they help you to think more about yourself and to gain a different perspective of the world.
My final decision took me to the United Kingdom, specifically to Liverpool, a city full of things to do, multicultural and with people very friendly and easy to talk with, even if sometimes they are impossible to understand because of their scouse accent.
This is where my experience with Merseyside Expanding Horizons began. With MEH, I not only did my first internships, but also had the opportunity to experience my ESC. Being part of VIEH, has been an amazing opportunity in all aspects. It has been a very big personal growth.
It was my first time living in another country, alone, without my family and friends, In a different language and with a different culture. I have matured a lot in this period. I have known myself a lot, I have rediscovered a Marta that I did not know. Now I am independent in almost all aspects. As well, as meeting great new people, who I'll take with me forever when this will over. They have cared of me, and trusted me since the beginning, have learned a lot from them and with them.
MEH has definitely changed me. It was literally a personal growth. MEH is helping me to enhance my confidence, to overcome my fears, learn about my strengths and weaknesses, and how to overcome them. Who was going to tell me, that even I was going to experience a global pandemic far from my home!
At MEH I have discovered the passion for work. They are people who work to help others and it shows in the way they work. I am learning a lot from my co-workers, from their experience. Working in a multicultural environment opens your mind and enriches you a lot. The key for me to have learned so much is that they have trusted me a lot since the beginning, because they have allowed me to have responsibility. I have taken away the fear of speaking in English. I love that in this job, communication with people is so important.
During these months I have learnt new skills and qualities that I did not even know to have. All the skills that I am learning here are helping me to clarify my ideas about my future Job career. I still have a lot to improve but I hope that the time I have left in MEH I can and know how to take advantage of it.
I hope that I have left the best of me in MEH, as they have done with me.
Thank you MEH