Leonardo, 26, Italy
Merseyside Expanding Horizons offers opportunities to people from different background to get valuable working experiences abroad, by sending and hosting volunteers and interns. We want to share the stories of some of these brave people, who have moved to Liverpool from other countries.

Which is your qualification degree and what encouraged you to candidate to MEH? Why did you choose MEH?
I have a Masters Degree in Local Development, which was focused on project management and sustainable territorial development. I started in MEH first as an intern from January to May 2018.
I chose MEH because the work of the organisation is in line with my background and when I had the interview with Anna (transnational programme manager) I became immediately interested in MEH's projects and Anna's enthusiasm was contagious. I remember that when I finished the interview, I couldn't wait to start! I also wanted to improve my English.
Why have you decided to get an internship abroad?
The internship with MEH was not my first internship abroad. At the time of the interview I was in Brazil carrying out an internship in a prefecture. But I had always wanted to spend some time in an English speaking country, to really experience the language.
MEH works in an international context with different employees around the world: how do you find yourself in this context? Which are the differences that you noticed most between English culture and your home country?
Ever since I was a child, my parents were always encouraging me to go abroad. I used to go in Germany for one week every summer and today I do feel very comfortable in an international environment. Besides, since I worked with international projects and my master was in international cooperation it's normal that I found myself in this environment and I really enjoy it.
The difference that I noticed is that British people tend to be more "direct" than Italians. Work and personal lives are generally more separated than in Italy.
What is the thing that are you missing most about your home country?
I am missing my family, including my cat, and the food: in particular the "parmigiana" (a bake with tomato, aubergine and mozzarella). I also miss the contact with the nature that I can't find here, because Liverpool is pretty industrial.
What is the thing that you like most and the thing that you would like to change about Liverpool?
The thing that I like most is the fact that it is a very cultural, there are a lot of opportunities and things to do. It is also very international. I would like to change the weather, although the last summer has been warm..ish.
Describe MEH in 3 words
Motherly, inclusive and a bit crazy
MEH works in an international context with different employees around the world: how do you find yourself in this context? Which are the differences that you noticed most between English culture and your home country?
Both from a personal and a professional point of view, this has been one of the best international experiences I have made in my life, because I learnt a lot, I had the opportunity to take responsibilities and develop my own projects. From a personal point of view, I have learned to be more open minded and to do things differently, for example to understand the different point of views of different people.
Do you think that your experience in MEH will be useful in a future? (personal point of view)
100%! I have learnt a lot, and most importantly, I experienced different ways of working, and has helped me to develop my own. Moreover, I developed important professional and personal relationships, that I am sure will last a lifetime.