Mohamed, 25, France
European Voluntary Service (EVS) is a great way to get valuable working experience abroad. Merseyside Expanding Horizons offers opportunities for people to participate in EVS, by sending and hosting volunteers.

This article is part of the series, where we share the stories of these brave volunteers and interns, who have moved to Liverpool from other countries. Mohammed has enjoyed his stay and here are some of his thoughts on EVS and life in Liverpool.
What made you apply to a European Voluntary Service (EVS) project?
At the end of my studies, I wanted to discover the associative world and also to do something that I have never done before to entering the world of work. I wanted to leave my comfort zone and to learn something new.
What is your degree and what encouraged you to candidate to MEH? Why did you choose MEH?
I have a Master Degree (Master 2) in Management Accounting in 2018 at University Lille 1. I wanted to have another experience abroad after my first in Bulgaria and also to improve my personal, linguistic and social skills. As I said, to discover new horizons before to enter in the world of work.
ADICE my sending organisation in France suggested me this EVS in Liverpool, so I took the opportunity and applied.
MEH works in an international context with different employees around the world: how do you find yourself in this context?
Working in an international context with different employees around the world is rewarding and helps you to learn and to think differently. I’ve felt comfortable since the beginning. The work environment is really friendly.
Which are the differences that you noticed most between England culture and your home country?
The differences are the accent of Liverpudlians (scouse accent) and also this intercultural environment is very enriching for me and the work we do here. Furthermore, it is lovely the Liverpudlians people are like us the Ch’tis people in France , especially me because I am from Dunkirk (the northern accent).
What is the thing you are missing most about your home country?
I think the most are the food and drinks that I cannot find here in the UK.
What is the thing you like most and the thing you would like to change about Liverpool?
Liverpool is known for its historic past (football, Beatles, language etc…) which is still alive and in the hearts of the people of Liverpudlians and also it's amazing to see how they are so proud and it is something I really like.
I would like to change the weather and also change the opening hours for the public places like museums since they close too early. The most thing I would like change it is the driving in UK because for pedestrians, we do not know where to look.
Describe MEH in 3 words
Intercultural, inclusion, non-formal learning.
Do you think that your experience in MEH has changed something in your being? (Professional and unprofessional point of view)
On professional point of a view, I’ve learned a new skills, this experience is very useful to me. I discovered a new working environmental and new methods of working. I have improved my English skills and it will be very advantageous afterwards.
Do you think that your experience in MEH will be useful in a future? (Personal point of view)
On personal point of view, this experience allowed me to meet a lot of people from different backgrounds and countries during my European Voluntary Service. It really helped me to be more confident, to increase my social network with people around the Europe and the world.