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Garden Legal

Garden Legal was started up by a group of young lawyers who identified a deficit in the knowledge of basic Human Rights in the wider Zambian population but more particularly among children.

As a group of people passionate about our profession and patriotic for our Country we are aggrieved by the wide gap of ignorance blocking the free flow of the Rule of Law in our Country.

Having been law students ourselves, we identified another gap; the lack of practical experience for Law students to use their acquired knowledge in CV enhancing activities.  We decided to do something about it and came up with a program that fills both gaps.

Garden Legal tackles passive injustice stunting the full actualisation of the Rule of Law in Zambia caused by ignorance of basic Human Rights among children and the general population at large, which may also be simultaneously contributed by their;

• Fear that no one will hear and their lack of confidence in the Judicial system; and

• The need for Students to engage in CV enhancing activities.

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