Erasmus +
Empathy is an Erasmus+ project, which is financed by European Commission. Merseyside Expanding Horizons is one of the partners of this project. The Project aims to support parents of children with disabilities through education. Parents of disabled children are facing many challenges in social and economic life. So families need to be able to engage in and effective learning program that will provide support to them and can enable them to solve the problems they encounter.
Parents of disabled children are facing many challenges in social and economic life. So families need to engage in a learning programme that will provide support to them and can enable them to solve the problems they encounter.
- EMPATHY families of children with disabilities aims to provide psychological support to cope with social and economic problems.
Families with disabled children (primary)
Therapists, psychologists and rehabilitation counselors (secondary)
NGOs working with people with disabilities (secondary)
Policy-makers and decision-makers (tertiary)
Families with disabled children, psychological, social, and support systems to help them cope with economic problems, enable them to solve the problems raised by obstacles children
Families of workers with disabilities and experts to create an Internet-based platform where they can interact with each other. The main purpose of this platform is to support children's development through meaningful learning interactions, thus improving family knowledge in terms of their responsibilities, education, rehabilitation and treatment approaches with their children during the process of change in their family life
Families prepare for the psychosocial support program for improving parental responsibilities and capabilities.
It aims for Parents to get support on issues such as;
- Individual family support programs
- Disability types
- oping mechanisms
- Effective communication methods
- Legal rights of the disabled
Coordinator: Necmettin Erbakan University (TR) https://www.konya.edu.tr/
Keçiören Municipality (TR) https://www.kecioren.bel.tr
Dost Special Education Center (TR) http://www.dostegitim.com
Lale Special Education Center (TR) https://www.sincanlaleozelegitim.com
Human Profess Közhasznú Nonprofit (HU) http://www.humanprofess.hu/
Spolupracou pre lepsiu buducnost - Velky Meder (SK) http://ozbuducnost.sk/
Merseyside Expanding Horizons (UK) http://www.expandinghorizons.co.uk/

Project can be reached via: www.empathyparent.com