The objective of the MOBILITY+ project is to build tools that enable adult education workers to raise awareness and support their learners when taking part in mobility projects. The project will develop 4 interlinked specific outputs, all linked to each other.
The first of the project outputs has now been completed with the creation of an “Information & Orientation Training Guide for Future Mobility Projects”
This training guide is developed in the frame of the Erasmus+ Key Action 2 Mobility+ project. The objective of the Mobility+ project is to inform and train adults’ education workers to ensure the quality of supporting future international mobility participants.
International mobility experiences abroad will enrich their participant’s professional path by helping them acquiring an experience abroad and developing competences that will be complementary to their educational process. Thus, the guide promotes a more adapted and personalised support and guidance of future mobility participants.
The guide is divided in 5 parts:
International mobility project & the current opportunities to participate using existing funding streams
The benefits of international mobility projects & how to showcase them
Conditions for a successful mobility project: Methodology to support a participant before, during and after his/her mobility project
Mobility Success Stories and statistics
How to find more information, partners and apply for funding streams
The project will develop complementary tools and methods to train adults’ education workers in the support of participants and especially those with fewer opportunities (support before, during and after their mobility project to ensure high quality experience and a strong impact on the professional and personal inclusion).
A copy of the completed Guide is available from ADICE website or by clicking on the liMobility+ IO1 Guide.pdf link below: