Job Club Plus (JC+) is a new 30 month project funded by the GRUNDTVIG Programme under the EU Lifelong Learning Programme.
Merseyside Expanding Horizons are the UK partners in this project which aims to develop, test and disseminate at European level an effective and sustainable methodology to increase the employability of low-skilled and long-term unemployed people by providing key-training and guidance.
The proposed methodology is an enhanced version of a Job Club (JC), thus the project is called Job Club Plus (JC+). A job club is a help club for unemployed or underemployed people, to facilitate self-help in the job search and to monitor progresses. In a JC people meet regularly to discuss their efforts and share outcomes.
The basic JC, mostly used in the USA and the UK and only recently in other countries such as Italy, is fit for average users but inappropriate for low-skilled and more vulnerable people, who need much more support from educational, technical and psychological point of view.
Project activities include;
Investigation of the best existing career guidance practices, to improve the upskilling methodology
Development and testing of the curriculum for the Job Club + programme
Design and testing of the learning outcomes validation process
Development and testing of the trainers’ training programme
Ensuring appropriate knowledge and visibility of the project throughout Europe
Ensuring appropriate take-up of the project outcomes by the career guidance and adult education operators and other stakeholders in Europe.
Low-skilled and long-term unemployed people
The major aim of increasing the employability of those people encompasses the objectives of up skilling, educating and empowering them via a range of complementary and balanced activities.
The enhanced methodology will be developed across 6 countries to produce an effective tool to face the complex and widespread problem of long term unemployment across Europe through an integrated path comprising up-skilling, empowering and educating disadvantaged adults.
The project comprises of 6 partner organisations from 6 different countries, ARES – Italy (coordinating organisation), Greta du Velay – France, MEH – UK, FOLK – Sweden, Verein Multikulturell – Austria and Accion Laboral – Spain.
The first meeting for the project took place in Campobasso Italy in December 2013
For more information about the project please contact;
Project Coordinator Paola Pietrangelo at email;